The Daily Blast

Trump’s Anger Spins Out of Control at Presser as Another Bad Poll Hits

With Trump seeming unusually angry in remarks to reporters, a shrewd observer of Trump-MAGA psychology plumbs the darker undercurrents of his discontent—and explains the political trap he's landed himself in.

At a presser on Wednesday, President Donald Trump seemed unusually angry. He ripped into Chuck Schumer, calling him Palestinian. He seethed with anger at Canada, and taunted the Canadians over his tariff threats. And he snapped at three different reporters. All this comes as a new CNN poll finds Trump’s approval deeper underwater amid very broad public rejection of his tariffs. Trump is trapped in an unusual dynamic: He’s clearly taking a beating over his tariff threats right now. But he’s also gotten it into his head that the tariffs are what make him appear strong and formidable. So it’s hard for him to back out of them. We talked to Salon’s Amanda Marcotte, a skilled interpreter of MAGA psychology, about the roots of Trump’s anger and the political trap he’s landed himself in.

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