It\’s Not Too Early to Predict What Biden Era Politics Will Be Like – Episode Transcript

By this time during the presidency of the former guy, his national security advisor had been booted, the Muslim ban had been tried and Comey was days from getting fired. We also knew that the GOP was simply not going to do anything about even the worst things Trump was doing. So it\’s not too early to make some prognostications about about the political weather we can expect in the Biden Era. The bad news is, we already know the GOP is still Trump\’s GOP, obstructionist at best, anti-democratic, racist, corrupt and traitorous at worst. The good news is that so far, Joe Biden has managed to by-pass the Beltway and win bi-partisan support by listening to the American people and giving them the kind of programs and change the majority of them have long supported. Will this continue? What could result in a course change? We discuss with Max Boot of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Washington Post, Dr. Kavita Patel, former Obama White House official and practicing physician and Ryan Goodman, NYU Law professor and co-editor of \”Just Security.\” Join us.