The Crisis Enters a New Phase: Are We Making Progress or Simply Facing or Even Creating New Risks?

America is re-opening. Whether we should be or not is beside the point. It is happening. So the question becomes how do we manage that re-opening and what risks may be emerging that we are ill-prepared for? Some are public health risks? Some have to do with adapting to a new way of life. In addition, just as we face the greatest public health crisis in a century, we witness the scene of a police officer crushing a man’s throat and killing him which forces us to address yet another dimension of all this–how can we trust our government to keep us safe? We discuss with Dr. Leana Wen, a practicing physician and former Health Commissioner of Baltimore, Dr. Kavita Patel, also a physician and former WH official during the Obama Administration and our regular co-host Ryan Goodman of NYU Law School and “Just Security.” It is a sobering, incisive discussion. Don’t miss it.
Here is the link to the website referenced by Dr. Kavita Patel:
Here is the link to Dr. Leana Wen’s Opinion Piece in The Washington Post, dated May 13, 2020: Link