The Daily Blast

Trudeau’s Blistering Takedown of Trump’s Tariffs Puts GOP to Shame

As Canada's Justin Trudeau offers an emotional rebuke of Trump's tariffs, columnist E.J. Dionne reflects on the awful position Trump has created for Republicans, who will never say what Trudeau did.

After President Donald Trump’s tariffs went into effect, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau offered an extraordinary, heartfelt plea to the American people. He said: “Your government has chosen to do this, to you.” This comes as anxiety is rising among Republicans about the tariffs. Yet even as they’re expressing trepidation, they’re also feeling forced to keep defending the tariffs, because criticizing Trump is a death sentence. We talked to columnist EJ Dionne, author of a new piece illustrating the unpopularity of Trump’s tariffs. He discusses the position Trump has placed Republicans in, how badly the tariffs will hurt their own voters, and why they will never, ever say what Trudeau just did.

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