The Daily Blast

Trump’s Fury at Canada Boils Over on Fox—and Polls Now Show a Backlash

As Trump's imperialist designs suddenly look much scarier, The Bulwark's William Saletan explains how Trump is now looking at Canada the way Putin looks at Ukraine—through "the eyes of a predator."

It’s growing harder to shrug off President Trump’s deranged threats toward Canada. In a new Fox News interview, Trump snarled angrily that Canada is “meant” to be a 51st state, explicitly speaking the language of imperialism. Meanwhile, Trump is adopting a very credulous line toward Vladimir Putin in the Russia-Ukraine peace talks. This comes as a surprising new poll shows that American opinion is shifting against a soft line on Russia, even as other polling shows public rejection of Trump’s anti-Canada stance. We talked to The Bulwark’s William Saletan, who has a good piece arguing that Trump’s views of Canada and Ukraine are connected. He explains how Trump is now adopting the same view of Canada that Putin has of Ukraine, and argues that the public may be turning against Trump on both fronts.

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